President's Car VE500137.1 with License Plate No.: 0888
Size:Length:610 x Width:200 x Height:163 (cm)
Size description:3噸重 1955年製,防彈玻璃
Introduction:It is a 1955 Cadillac four-door, seven-seat sedan, with bulletproof glasses and security devices, built by General Motors, 610 cm (long) by 200 cm (wide) by 163 cm (high), and weighs about three tons. It was a gift from overseas Chinese in the Philippines.
President Chiang had ridden the sedan only once, because it is unwieldy, on the one hand, and bulletproof, on the other. He told his attendants that "People in Taiwan are all my compatriots. I don't need any bulletproof protection," while he was taking for the first ride in the car. Since then President Chiang had never ridden the car as a passenger.
Accession Number:OT07500200