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Boundless Happiness and Longevity, a picture frame Collection Image, Figure 1, Total 4 Figures
Boundless Happiness and Longevity, a picture frame Collection Image, Figure 2, Total 4 Figures
Boundless Happiness and Longevity, a picture frame Collection Image, Figure 3, Total 4 Figures
Boundless Happiness and Longevity, a picture frame Collection Image, Figure 4, Total 4 Figures
Boundless Happiness and Longevity, a picture frame

Size:Length:94.5 x Width:64.3 x Height1.5 (cm)

Size description:50.2×60.4(作品)

Introduction:The Celebratory Returnee Party of Philippine Hong Chong Grand Masson Assn. Inc. presented this artifact on October 31, 1960. The picture frame is overlaid with red flannelette attached figures and words made of gold foil. The God of Longevity hold a peach in a hand and in the other hand, a rod topped with animal designs and hanging a gourd at its turning pint. There are bats on the four corners. The couplet reads: "May your age be as the Mt. Tai" and "May your happiness as the Eastern Sea," the horizontal celebratory inscriptions "Boundless Happiness and Longevity," a dedication "In celebration of President Chiang's 74th birthday anniversary," and a lower part, "Respectfully, Celebratory Returnee Party of Philippine Hong Chong Grand Masson Assn. Inc.."

Philippine Hong Chong Grand Masson Assn. Inc., also known as Hong Chong (Hong Men Overall Office), consists of members from five societies Progressive Mason Club, Zhi Gong Party, Peng Kong Grand Mason, Hiap Ho Grand Mason, Tiok Lim Grand Mason and exercises control over the subsidiary organizations in various regions. Chinese community in the Philippines, as is known, has five associations, including the FCCEA (Filipino Chinese Cultural and Economic Association), Fil-Chinese AntiCommunist League, General Association of Former Chinese Schools in the Philippines, and Federation of Filipino Chinese Chambers of Commerce and Industry, in addition to Hong Chong. The members of five associations cover all major societies in the Chinese community in the Philippines and have very good relationships with many aspects of Taiwan.

Accession Number:CR04900900