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Book Catalog Collection Image, Figure 1, Total 4 Figures
Book Catalog Collection Image, Figure 2, Total 4 Figures
Book Catalog Collection Image, Figure 3, Total 4 Figures
Book Catalog Collection Image, Figure 4, Total 4 Figures
Book Catalog

Size:Length:21.1 x Width:14 x Height1.5 (cm)

Introduction:The catalog of books in Chiang Kai-shek's office was created by Tan Longbin in January 1951 and calligraphed in regular script. Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall collected it from the cultural relic transfer of President Chiang Kai-shek office.
The book collection of President Chiang was stored in five bookcases named Yuan, Heng, Li, Zhen, and Qian, and the catalog was classified accordingly and annotated authors, number of copies, and remarks.

Accession Number:OF08308000