Author:St. Julian Hugh Edwards
Size:Length:19.5 x Width:24.3 (cm)
Size description:為相紙尺寸,裱紙尺寸為23.2*30.8
Introduction:In 1869, Charles W. Le Gendre (1830–1899), the first person from the left of the back row in the photo with an eye patch, came to the archaeological site of Fort Zeelandia in Anping, Tainan, for excavation. His 1875 book, Notes of Travel in Formosa, collated more than a hundred photos, maps, and illustrations among other images, many of which taken by St. Julian Hugh Edwards (birth and death
dates unknown), providing traces to the roots of Taiwan’s history of photography in the 19th century.
Fu Yuan-Cheng, Metadata of National Center of Photography and Images Collection, 2021
Accession Number:NCP2016-020-0005