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Taipei North Gate Collection Image
Taipei North Gate

Chiang Ming-Shyan (1942-0)

Ink Painting


Length:50 x Width:83 (cm)

The ends of the swallowtail-shaped eaves rise up. The red brick city gate tower sits on a stone base creating a stable structure. This was once the north gate to the former walled section of Taipei. It was an important entryway for those heading to the once flourishing commercial areas of Dadaocheng and Dalongdong. Today, it is the only city gate to preserve its original Qing dynasty appearance, and is an important historical monument. Next to it are a traffic light and rows of trees. People and vehicles pass by without stopping to admire this magnificent structure. In the eyes of this artist, the Presidential Building and roadside trees have a dreamlike quality as they fade into the background, making the contours of the city gate more distinct. The bright red of the brick has faded over a long time of exposure to the elements. Before it was carriages and sedan chairs that passed by, today it is modern vehicles. But, the one thing that has not changed is the bustling pace.
Whether presenting Chinese culture or the rise of Taiwanese consciousness, this artist makes use of broad perspective to interpret the place where he grew up. His painting style is consistent and thought-provoking. This painting is filled with vast cultural memories.

Accession Number:C0010