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Harvest Pestle Song Collection Image
Harvest Pestle Song

Lai Kao-Shan (1924-2005)

Mixed Media


Length:116.5 x Width:91 (cm)

Four indigenous women are portrayed in this lacquer painting. They are using wooden pestles to create music. The inspiration for this music was the traditional use of pestle and mortar to remove the husks from harvested grain. This later evolved into traditional music culture. Lai meticulously portrayed the patterns on the clothes of these women. The women are striking the pestles in harmony to thank the land for its provision of food. This is a representative aspect of indigenous culture. The composition appears like that of a storybook illustration and brings this scene to life. This collective memory of indigenous tradition is preserved for posterity.
From the time that Lai was studying in crafts school, the subjects of his works were mostly indigenous peoples. The contents of his works include indigenous rites and ceremonies, dances and the traditional wooden fishing boats of Lanyu (Orchid Island). For 60 years, he fused traditional techniques with contemporary concepts to promote research. He compared lacquer to the blood that flows within the human body for its strong vitality.

Accession Number:E0001