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Miners Collection Image

Hung Jui-Lin (1912-1996)

Ink Painting


Length:36 x Width:48 (cm)

Hung Jui-Lin put in great effort and care into creating his laborer series of works. It can be said that he depicted what he experienced in the workplace. It is like this artist painted his own reflection in a pool of water. Each miner resembled him. Hung entered the mining world and went deep into the mines. He perspired as they did and breathed in the same stagnant air. Therefore, he was fused with them into one entity.
Hung's mining works possess gravity and emotion. The lines used to create the images are expressive. Black has a deep and steady power, especially when blended with light colors, creating the richness of oil and watercolor. Added to that was "ink and light color". Ink colors were no longer just aids in creating light and shade, but almost exaggerated emotions. Brush and ink gave Hung's mining works depth.

Accession Number:C0016