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Harborside Homes (Tamsui) Collection Image
Harborside Homes (Tamsui)

Tsai In-Tang(1909-1998)



Length:28 x Width:40 (cm)

  Tsai completed this painting in his 50s. It is a depiction of the area around Tamsui Harbor. Cotton-like clouds float in the light blue and white sky. In the foreground are red-tile roof homes with the green tops of trees dispersed among them. From the far horizon of the harbor to the near distance homes and trees, there is an ingenious S-shaped division of the composition. The features in the distance are indistinct. It is possible to make out a small settlement and lighthouse. This artist boldly expressed the contours of this landscape, while at the same time managing the spatial framework.
  Tsai used flowing brushstrokes and bold colors, and a mix of styles such as Fauvism and Cubism. However, he did not neglect the form and structure of traditional painting. Tsai did not paint for fame or fortune, but for passion. He earned a positive reputation in Taiwan's art circles as a painter of elegant works.

Accession Number:B0042