Chang Ping-Nan (1924-2014)
Oil Painting
Length:45 x Width:53.5 (cm)
Chieftain's Wife was completed in 1984. It is a portrait of an indigenous woman painted by Chang at the age of 60. She is depicted smoking a pipe with V-shaped patterned tattoos across her cheeks. She is wearing clothing produced by hand and is shown returning with firewood that she has just collected. Her expression is dignified and serious. These details have all been captured under the proficient eye of this artist. Coffee, deep red and indigo are the background colors. The patterns on the clothing of this woman of the Atayal tribe and the changes in light in the background bring vitality to this work.
During Chang's long career, he has continued to portray his homeland, including life in farming and indigenous communities. He uses strong colors and brush strokes to represent his passion and concern for Taiwan's culture.
Accession Number:A0007