Oil Painting
Length:130 x Width:162 (cm)
This landscape painting, Summertime in Greece is completely different from the previous painting, Chrysanthemums, as it features delicate brushstrokes and subtle lighting. From emerald green to dark green, layer upon layer of green overlap to create the fine variations in the shadows of the tree. By capturing the warm sunlight of the Mediterranean, a tranquil atmosphere emerges. In the foreground, near the window frame, he makes bold use of pastel purple to depict the romantic sunshine of Greece. The composition of this portrayal of summertime in Greece includes the cool shade of the tree and the flourishing greenery.
Chang was brave and continuously attempted new ideas. But, he was consistent in his painting techniques and blending of colors. Among all of the works produced during his lifetime, it is difficult to find one that presents such a leisurely mood as this one. Perhaps, it is because it was painted while on vacation.
Accession Number:A0005