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Heartwarming Scene of Love - Mandarin Ducks Collection Image
Heartwarming Scene of Love - Mandarin Ducks

Lin Yu-Shan(1907-2004)

Eastern Gouache


Length:36 x Width:61 (cm)

This work, Heartwarming Scene of Love - Mandarin Ducks, was completed in 1929. It might have been a warm-up exercise for his work Lotus Pond, which he painted in 1930. On the surface of this pond are two inseparable mandarin ducks, leisurely swimming among the lotus blossoms. The brightly colored male and the relatively plain female provide mutual support and assistance and will not leave each other. All around these ducks are lotus flowers in various stages of bloom, revealing that although there is some turbidity, the water is very clean. These blossoms also bring a sense of tranquility to this scene. This artist ingeniously created an arc-shaped frame. The bright circles of light on the surface of the water add to the harmony.
In his works, Lin placed importance on sketching and thinking. No matter the form, colors or composition, he emphasized the expression of emotion, vivid techniques and clear ideas. He equally excelled at water and ink painting and Nihonga. He emphasized that sketching is the foundation of painting. His objective was not so much about being careful and neat, but about allowing the romantic charm of nature or life to emerge.

Accession Number:C0003