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Thao Tribe of Sun Moon Lake Collection Image
Thao Tribe of Sun Moon Lake

Liu Yu-Ling (1962-0)

Mixed Media


Length:120 x Width:80 (cm)

The rider depicted with the traditional wooden oxcart laden with goods is dressed in splendid attire. On the water are four bamboo rafts for tourists. This is most likely a portrayal of trading by members of the indigenous Thao tribe, which inhabits the shores of Sun Moon Lake, who are bringing taro root and leaves.
The brushstrokes in this work are exquisite and it resembles the style of early Taiwanese Nihonga paintings. This is a masterful work that incorporates the narrative style of Bail Island. The figures in this painting are wearing traditional Thao clothing. However, the traditional Thao canoe is not shown as the mode of water transportation. The reason that bamboo rafts appear in this painting is worth pondering.

Accession Number:E0014