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Beautiful Scene of the Tamsui River Collection Image
Beautiful Scene of the Tamsui River

Hu Shun-Cheng (1947)

Oil Painting


Length:45 x Width:52.5 (cm)

Hu completed this painting, Beautiful Scene of the Tamsui River in 1997. A gold and orange sky forms a backdrop. Red brick, pointed bell tower, classic Western-style architecture, all are representative characteristics of the Tamsui Church (chapel of the Tamsui Presbyterian Church). This is where pastors teach and preach. A historical medical clinic sits quietly to the side, a witness to history. Low houses and trees surround the church. Bali District lies in the distance across the river.
This artist purposefully kept the riverbank scene to less than half of the canvas to preserve the horizon and present the beauty of the glowing sunset over the Tamsui River

Accession Number:A0092