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Orchids Collection Image

Hsu Shen-Chou(1918-2005)

Eastern Gouache

Length:42 x Width:32.5 (cm)

The focus of this painting are the pure white, flawless orchids seen leaning leftward. The stalks of the mother plant at the bottom right balance the scene. The extension of the long, slender stalks provides spatial depth. There is a somewhat dark, but elegant, combination of colors, revealing the clear water look and exquisite texture of Nihonga. This artist's great skill is evident.
Orchids are common flowers in Taiwan. They have an image of being fragrant, elegant and dignified. They were also a common subject of this artist. In his early days, under the strict guidance of Lu Tieh-Chou, he often appeared like a biologist, closely observing flowers and plants and then depicting them. Thus, it is no wonder that the orchids in this painting are so lifelike and full of vitality.

Accession Number:D0017