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A Peek into Taiwan Life Collection Image
A Peek into Taiwan Life

Li Chi-Mao (1925-2019)

Ink Painting


Length:36 x Width:52 (cm)

In the earlier days of Taiwan, before its economy took off, for most people, a bicycle was the main form of transportation. A long line of bicycles can be seen parked outside a market entrance. There wasn't much material wealth at that time, and the emphasis was on relationships. The viewer's eye is drawn from the line of bicycles in the lower left corner to the animated group of people at the market entrance. Near the group sitting on wooden benches or stools are two dogs sniffing each other in curiosity. They are also frequent visitors to the market.
Li's ink paintings are interesting expressions of Taiwan's arts. They are also representative scenes of an earlier era. His bold and unrestrained brushstrokes are unique.

Accession Number:C0022