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Heartwarming Scene of Love - Parrots Collection Image
Heartwarming Scene of Love - Parrots

Lin Yu-Shan(1907-2004)

Eastern Gouache


Length:36 x Width:61 (cm)

This painting, Heartwarming Scene of Love - Parrots, depicts agile and lively parrots on the branch of a plum tree that is in bloom. The birds are huddled close to one another in a pose of tender affection. Although only branches with flowers and this pair of birds are portrayed, from the brushstrokes it is possible to understand this painter's attention to detail. The bright white flowers have burst into bloom and a pair of birds are resting side by side on a branch, their tails and wings touching in a scene of intimacy. Parrots are highly intelligent birds. They are very active and are able to mimic human language, making them popular pets.
Perhaps due to his upbringing in a folk painting frame shop, during his youth Lin painted many traditional Chinese paintings infused with auspicious meaning. This work is one example.

Accession Number:C0002