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Old Man Selling Seasoned Millet Mush Collection Image
Old Man Selling Seasoned Millet Mush

Shiy De-Jinn (1923-1981)

Mixed Media


Length:39 x Width:54 (cm)

This sketch, Old Man Selling Seasoned Millet Mush, was completed by Shiy in 1961. In the foreground, some people are seen from the back. Moving to the cart selling seasoned millet mush, there is variation in shading from dark to light. Charcoal pencil was used to create the lively and powerful contours of the cart on two wheels with glass case on top. This is an early Taiwanese street scene. The arrangement of this scene makes it a ppear like a one-act play, but this is a realistic portrayal of life in early Taiwan.

Accession Number:E0006