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Wax Apple Season Collection Image
Wax Apple Season

Lin Hsin-Yueh (1939-0)

Oil Painting


Length:116.5 x Width:91 (cm)

Lin possesses a unique perception of colors, which makes his works bright and beautiful, as well as peaceful and mysterious. This painting, Wax Apple Season, features obscure spatial limitations. The wax apple tree outside the window and the plate of wax apples in front of the window echo one another to create ambiguity. The bright sunlight outside and the shadows inside allow viewers to perceive the tropical summer heat. The brushstrokes are smooth, steady and refined. The stark contrast between the green shades and the gradually overlapping reds of the wax apples gives an impression of the abundance of tropical fruits.
  The hanging branch of wax apples outside the window in the upper part of the canvas presents the abundance of fruit at the height of summer. In front of the window wax apples fill a round plate becoming an offering and delicacy for the owner of this home. The imagery in Wax Apple Season reveals the artist's definition of vitality. The presentation of the fruit on the plate was due to the influence of Western-style paining. Lin once said that, "In my memory, fruit always grows on trees." The correspondence between the vitality of the fruit tree outside the window and the still life in front of the window presents the boundaries and contrasts of life.

Accession Number:A0076