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Autumn Mountains Covered in Silvergrass Collection Image
Autumn Mountains Covered in Silvergrass

Liu Yu-Hsueh(1951-0)

Ink Painting


Length:56 x Width:70 (cm)

In the foreground, a light autumn breeze brushes past and the silvergrass seems to sway back and forth under the sunlight, with rustling of the leaves of the Taiwan acacia tree on the left. Viewers can take in the undulating hills, as they gaze upon the low-lying clouds that seem to fill in the gorge in the distance.
This artist makes use of exquisite brushstrokes. Although there are not many lines, there is rich spatial layering. Through the use of black ink and rhythmic addition of colors, this natural scene of autumn mountains covered in silvergrass takes on a poetic quality.

Accession Number:C0019