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Tainan Canal Collection Image
Tainan Canal

Chang Ping-Tang (1928-2013)

Oil Painting


Length:45.5 x Width:53 (cm)

Chang completed this painting at the age of 70. This artist's passion and exuberant vitality are evident from this painting. He was not in the least bit inhibited by age. Below the row of green trees is bright orange embankment. Along this embankment is a white horse with blue mane. He made use of strong primary colors, succinct lines and quick brushstrokes. It is no wonder that Chang once said, "Whoever sees my paintings will become younger!“
He revealed his deep affection for his hometown of Tainan, Taiwan's ancient capital in his paintings. He depicted local temples, historical monuments and canals. He made use of bright colors and bold and unrestrained brushstrokes to express the exuberance and carefree atmosphere of southern Taiwan through his world of oil painting.

Accession Number:A0110