Han Wu-Lin (1947-2009)
Oil Painting
Length:60 x Width:90 (cm)
The Taiwan blue magpie (Urocissa caerulea) is an endemic species. It is found in low-elevation broadleaved forests. In the center of this painting a Taiwan blue magpie is perched on a treetop. It appears to be looking into the distance, as if ready to spread its wings and fly away. Han was a nature lover. At different stages of his life, he allowed himself new perspectives, always remaining curious. He often explored new forms and subjects and searched for life-changing artistic experiences. More importantly, he endowed his art works with profound meaning.
For this artist who insisted on creating realistic works, conveying nature in a way that moves people was his specialty. He never grew tired of it, as every so often he would find a new path. He always had new ideas, and these ideas revealed his brilliance and passion.
Accession Number:A0100