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Floral Intoxication Collection Image
Floral Intoxication

Chen Komi(1943-0)

Eastern Gouache


Length:60.5 x Width:50 (cm)

In this painting, Floral Intoxication, clusters of flowers are in full bloom. The pink petals are embellished by the stamens, as well as surrounding leaves. There almost seems to be a delicate floral fragrance floating in the air. This is a depiction of springtime azaleas. On the vase is illustrated a classic hero's tale, which is set off by the surrounding pot and cups. This creates an interesting dialogue between the flowers and the liquor.
Kuo was born into an artistic family. She received training in the fine arts in Taiwan and the US. In this work, Floral Intoxication, she attempts to present the beauty of Eastern culture. However, in terms of light and shadow and spatial arrangement, there are elements of Western style..

Accession Number:D0026