作者英文簡介:Courtesy name Lo Yixin; from Changsha, Hunan. Lo Fong graduated in fine arts from National Taiwan Normal University, taught by renowned artists Huang Chun-pi, Pu Xinyu and Liao Chi-chun. During years of theoretical study of art and philosophy, she delved into the depths of art, while also studying the works of Lao Tzu and Chuang Tzu as well as Zen Buddhism to refine her spiritual side. She also went to the United States a number of times for further study and inquiry. She taught at her alma mater, National Taiwan Normal University, for over 40 years. She won the Ministry of Education’s Arts and Culture Award, the Taiwan Chung Hsing Arts Award for Chinese painting, the Chinese Writers & Artists Association’s fine arts education award, and the Art Society of China’s Golden Nobility Award for Chinese painting. She has taken part in the planning of international fine arts education symposiums, and served as a juror for major exhibitions of Chinese paintings. She is an accomplished educator, having nurtured numerous students.