登錄號:CR04100800的圖片(CR04100800_P001.JPG)(CC BY-NC),第1張,共4張
登錄號:CR04100800的圖片(CR04100800_P001.JPG)(CC BY-NC),第1張,共4張
登錄號:CR04100800的圖片(CR04100800_P002.JPG)(CC BY-NC),第2張,共4張
登錄號:CR04100800的圖片(CR04100800_P003.JPG)(CC BY-NC),第3張,共4張
登錄號:CR04100800的圖片(CR04100800_P004.JPG)(CC BY-NC),第4張,共4張
民國41年9月10日由菲律賓中國學生回國觀光團所贈,銀製盾牌嵌以淺褐色木質外框及底座,中央刻有圓形環狀,環內刻「菲律賓中國學生 PHIL-CHINESE STUDENTS DELEGATION TO FREE CHINA」,環中央有一三角形區域,內刻中國地圖,上刻「還我河山」四字,另在環狀圖外左右刻有上款「中華民國大總統蔣」,及下款「菲律賓中國學生回國觀光團敬献」。
This silver shield plate was a gift presented, on September 10, 1952, by the tourist party consisting of Chinese students studying the Philippines. The silver shield is embedded in a plate and a base of brown wood, centered a carved annular band engraved with inscriptions, read: "PHIL-CHINESE STUDENTS DELEGATION TO FREE CHINA." At the center, there is a triangular area engraved with a China map and an inscription "Return Us Our Country." In addition, in the area outside the annular band, the name of the recipient is engraved as "President of the Republic of China, Chiang" and on the opposite side, "Respectfully, the tourist party of Chinese students studying the Philippines."