《荒漠甘泉》(Streams in the Desert)是基督教的著名靈修書籍,於1920年首次出版,作者是美國傳道人高曼夫人。民國四十八年二月蔣中正總統請中央社的王家棫重新編譯,蔣親自修改潤飾,眉註閱讀感想及靈修心得,並於書中每篇之首親撰標題,以明每篇重點所在;尤其每月一號之篇,均為蔣親筆專撰之證道詞。
Streams in the Desert by Mrs. L. B. Cowman, a pioneer missionary, was first published in 1920 and became a well-known devotional book for the Christian. President Chiang Kai-shek commissioned in February 1959 Wang Jiayu, who was with Central News Agency, to retranslate and edit the book, and Chiang personally amended and polished the new translation. In addition, Chiang provided headnotes of reflections after reading, gave each article a headline to highlight the key points, and in particular, wrote a sermon on each first article of the month.