申報館發行,《中國分省地圖》,戰後訂正第五版,民國37年7月1日出版。此書有許多處蔣中正總統親筆披閱或注明之處,如在文字說明頁八「匪在西藏修築邦達-寧靜宗公路」字旁以紅鉛筆劃線,並註「圖示」;在「政治區域圖」一頁,在頁側以藍鉛筆寫:「四十二年一月廿七日十五時高雄 中正」,並在地圖上多處作記號;在「安徽及江蘇」地圖頁以紅鉛筆標示等;從書頁之陳舊亦可看出經多次翻閱之痕跡。
New Provincial Maps of China, 5th revision, was published after World War II by Shen Bao Office on July 1, 1948. Chiang Kai-shek had marked a number of places and had written notes and comments on the margins. For example, a comment on page 8 reads: "The communist built a Bangda-Ningjing Dzong national highway," and underlined the comment with a red pencil, and noted "see the map." On the page titled "Political Regions," he wrote the words "Kaohsiung, at 15:00, on January 27, 1953, CKS" and marked multiple places on the right side of the page. And on the page titled "Anhui and Jiangsu," he marked the maps with a red pencil. The pages show aging and wear and tear from frequent, repeated flipping.