登錄號:PT09786500的圖片(PT09786500.jpg)(CC BY-NC),第1張,共1張
登錄號:PT09786500的圖片(PT09786500.jpg)(CC BY-NC),第1張,共1張
尺寸:55.5×76 (畫心)
李焜培(1934-2012 ),廣東人。曾就讀於國立台灣師範大學,師法黃君璧、溥心畬、廖繼春、馬白水等名師,善透明水彩畫,任職於台灣師大,且多次擔任評審委員,國內外應邀展出頻仍,且獲獎無數。早期以英國水彩畫風聞名於師生之間,但後來發現這樣的水彩缺乏了量感與造型性,因此開始進行研究。後來其領悟到東方繪畫線條之美與西畫的色彩之美有並駕齊驅的結合性,東方繪畫的風格和西方的現代繪畫思想與象徵符號觀念,這些都深深的影響他。他學習了不透明水彩的應用,東方繪畫的筆法線條,以及立體派的造型分割和空間構成,因此其作品風格具有灑脫淋漓的色彩與充滿活潑的象徵線條互相融合的獨特性,不拘溺於一家一派,具有多面向的吸收以及彈性。
Li Kun-Pei (1934-2012), born in Guangdong, studied at National Taiwan Normal University under Huang Chun-Pi, Pu Hsin-Yu, Liao Chi-Chun, Ma Pa-Shui, and other renowned masters. Adept in watercolors, Li has served as a lecturer at the National Taiwan Normal University and served as a judge for art competitions several times. He received numerous awards and frequent invitations to exhibit at home and abroad throughout his career. In Li's early days, he was known for his British watercolor style in the art field, but later personally found that such style lacked volume and formality. Hence, he began his quest of searching. Later, Li realized the potential to combine the beauty of lines in oriental painting and the beauty of colors in occidental paintings. He was deeply influenced by the oriental painting style as well as modern occidental ideas and their symbolic concepts. Since then, Li has learned to integrate opaque watercolor, lines in oriental paintings, and Cubism's distinct division of shape and space in his work. As a result, his works often have vivid color choices and lively symbolic lines. Not confined to one school of thought, his works were known for their uniqueness, interdisciplinary, and flexibility.
This work portrays the National Chiang Kai-Shek Memorial Hall standing in the busy streets of Taipei. The artist, adopting his usual simple and authentic style, uses various color blocks as well as smooth and rhythmic lines to let lead the viewers' gaze to the Memorial Hall. The light-heartedness of his paintings and the artist's sensual and lyrical approach create a harmonious and rhythmic picture full of laid-back and mellow countryside interest. Regardless of the strong uses of colors or distorted object shapes, Li has purposefully lost the actual object's shape but left behind the abstract beauty of the painting. The gorgeous colors and lines reveal the artist's vitality.