登錄號:PT09791600的圖片(PT09791600.JPG)(CC BY-NC),第1張,共1張
登錄號:PT09791600的圖片(PT09791600.JPG)(CC BY-NC),第1張,共1張
洪東標(1955-),臺灣宜蘭人,國立臺灣師範大學美術研究所碩士。曾任InternationalWatercolor Society( 國際水彩協會)TAIWAN 負責人、中華亞太水彩藝術協會常務理事兼任副理事長以及玄奘大學藝術與創意設計系教師。洪東標早期以自創的「分割表現形式」水彩,聞名畫壇多年。年過半百後,他毅然投入了風景寫生,以清新甜美的水彩技法,驚豔藝壇。他把對這塊土地的熱愛轉化成繪畫的動力,以寫實主義描述森林與海島之美,為自己開啟了創造力的另一高峰。在56歲那年的生日,洪東標立下宏願,耗時56天,以機車環遊台灣海岸,留下118幅美麗的寫生記錄,更創台灣畫界之先。他說:「機車環島寫生,我已經遲了30年;留下完整的海岸美景,台灣已經遲了500年。」全程有十多家媒體報導,成為當年藝壇盛事。
Hung Tung-Piao (1955-), born in Yilan, Taiwan, holds a Master’s degree from the Graduate Institute of Fine Arts at National Taiwan Normal University. He has served as the head of the International Watercolor Society (Taiwan), an executive director and deputy chairman of the Chinese Asia-Pacific Watercolor Art Association, and a teacher in the Department of Art and Creative Design at Hsuan Chuang University. Hung gained recognition in the art world for his unique "segmented expression" watercolor technique in his early career. After turning fifty, he dedicated himself to landscape painting, astonishing the art scene with his fresh and sweet watercolor techniques. He transformed his love for the land into a driving force for his art, depicting the beauty of forests and islands through realism, reaching a new peak in his creativity. On his 56th birthday, Hung made a grand vow: he spent 56 days traveling around Taiwan's coast by motorcycle, creating 118 beautiful plein air paintings, setting a precedent in Taiwan's art community. He remarked, "Traveling around Taiwan by motorcycle to paint, I am already 30 years late; preserving the complete coastal scenery, Taiwan is already 500 years late." This journey was reported by over ten media outlets, becoming a significant event in the art world that year. Hung Tung-Piao vividly depicted the scene of salmon struggling to return to their birthplace to reproduce, using skilled and swift brushstrokes to portray the waterfall's rushing flow and the intensity of the water, capturing the salmon's touching perseverance. He uses the salmon as a symbol of wanderers who have faced many challenges or difficulties while living abroad and eventually return to their comfortable and nostalgic hometown, reflecting his deep love for Taiwan.
Besides plein air painting, he also adopts the "scenic creation" method. This technique not only meets the artistic demand for "beauty" but also relies on rich imagination and a solid foundation in sketching. He has consistently pursued the presentation of beauty, not just visually, but also in creating a mood and atmosphere.