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Swinhoe’s tree lizard Collection Image, Figure 1, Total 7 Figures
Swinhoe’s tree lizard Collection Image, Figure 2, Total 7 Figures
Swinhoe’s tree lizard Collection Image, Figure 3, Total 7 Figures
Swinhoe’s tree lizard Collection Image, Figure 4, Total 7 Figures
Swinhoe’s tree lizard Collection Image, Figure 5, Total 7 Figures
Swinhoe’s tree lizard Collection Image, Figure 6, Total 7 Figures
Swinhoe’s tree lizard Collection Image, Figure 7, Total 7 Figures
Swinhoe’s tree lizard
  • species_info
    • english title:Swinhoe’s tree lizard
    • scientific_name:Diploderma swinhonis
    • DIVISION:Chordata
    • subphylum:Vertebrata
    • class:Reptilia
    • subclass:Eureptilia
    • orders:Squamata
    • suborder:Lacertilia
    • family:Agamidae
    • genus:Diploderma
    • species:swinhonis
    • species_author:(Günther)
    • species_pub_year:1864
    • common name
      • common name english:Swinhoe's japalura
  • collection_content
    • collection_locality
      • country_id:tw
      • country_en:Republic of China
      • subdivision_1_en:Taiwan Province
      • subdivision_2_en:Tainan City
      • locality_en:Tainan City
    • collection_info
      • collection_date:1972/12/01
      • Collection Date:1972/12/01
      • quantity:1
    • collection_feature
      • S-V length:70  mm
      • Tail length:165  mm
      • SEX:
    • collection_record
      • catalog no:TMRL0003
      • CAT_NO:RE.0179
  • gdesc_info
    • GDESC:  本標本為浸液標本,吻肛長7公分,尾長16.5公分,身體顏色分兩截。
