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Green Spotted Grass Lizard Collection Image, Figure 1, Total 8 Figures
Green Spotted Grass Lizard Collection Image, Figure 2, Total 8 Figures
Green Spotted Grass Lizard Collection Image, Figure 3, Total 8 Figures
Green Spotted Grass Lizard Collection Image, Figure 4, Total 8 Figures
Green Spotted Grass Lizard Collection Image, Figure 5, Total 8 Figures
Green Spotted Grass Lizard Collection Image, Figure 6, Total 8 Figures
Green Spotted Grass Lizard Collection Image, Figure 7, Total 8 Figures
Green Spotted Grass Lizard Collection Image, Figure 8, Total 8 Figures
Green Spotted Grass Lizard
  • species_info
    • english title:Green Spotted Grass Lizard
    • scientific_name:Takydromus viridipunctatus
    • DIVISION:Chordata
    • subphylum:Vertebrata
    • class:Reptilia
    • subclass:Eureptilia
    • orders:Squamata
    • suborder:Lacertilia
    • family:Lacertidae
    • genus:Takydromus
    • species:viridipunctatus
    • scientific_name_pub_year:2008
    • species_author:Kuang-Yang Lue and Si-Min Lin
    • species_pub_year:2008
  • collection_content
    • collection_locality
      • country_id:tw
      • country_en:Republic of China
      • subdivision_1_en:Taiwan Province
      • subdivision_2_en:Yilan County
      • subdvision_3_en:Toucheng Township
      • locality_en:Gueiwei  
    • collection_info
      • collection_date:1998/04/15
      • Collection Date:1998/04/15
      • quantity:1
    • collection_feature
      • S-V length:50  mm
      • Tail length:128  mm
      • SEX:FJ
    • collection_record
      • catalog no:TMRL0453
      • CAT_NO:RE.0688
  • gdesc_info
    • GDESC:  身體修長,舌頭明顯分叉,軀幹長約可達6公分,尾長最大可達軀幹長的11倍,腹面為白色幼體體背顏色為褐色由眼下方起常有一白色縱線延伸至尾基部,較大時身體側邊則開始帶有綠黃色調之縱帶或深或淺,一般具二對鼠蹊孔。
        臺灣特有種,廣泛分布於全島低海拔1500公尺以下之地區;離島之綠島及龜山島亦有記錄。日行性,喜於草生地、大型禾本科植物體或灌叢上活動;夜間會棲息於禾草或其他植物體上休息 於植物體上活動時尾巴因有平衡及部分之纏繞功能,相當重要故雖會自割,卻不若守宮科或壁虎科蜥蜴之尾巴那般易斷,卵生,一窩可產2至14 顆左右的卵。
