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Aerobryopsis subdivergens (Broth.) Broth. Collection Image, Figure 1, Total 9 Figures
Aerobryopsis subdivergens (Broth.) Broth. Collection Image, Figure 2, Total 9 Figures
Aerobryopsis subdivergens (Broth.) Broth. Collection Image, Figure 3, Total 9 Figures
Aerobryopsis subdivergens (Broth.) Broth. Collection Image, Figure 4, Total 9 Figures
Aerobryopsis subdivergens (Broth.) Broth. Collection Image, Figure 5, Total 9 Figures
Aerobryopsis subdivergens (Broth.) Broth. Collection Image, Figure 6, Total 9 Figures
Aerobryopsis subdivergens (Broth.) Broth. Collection Image, Figure 7, Total 9 Figures
Aerobryopsis subdivergens (Broth.) Broth. Collection Image, Figure 8, Total 9 Figures
Aerobryopsis subdivergens (Broth.) Broth. Collection Image, Figure 9, Total 9 Figures
Aerobryopsis subdivergens (Broth.) Broth.
  • species_info
    • kingdom:Plantae
    • division:Bryophyta
    • class:Bryopsida
    • orders:Leucodontales
    • family:Meteoriaceae
    • genus:Aerobryopsis
    • Scientific Name:Aerobryopsis subdivergens (Broth.) Broth.
    • Chinese Name:大灰氣苔
    • species:subdivergens
    • Species Author:(Broth.) Broth.
    • English Name:Aerobryopsis subdivergens (Broth.) Broth.
    • remark_en:Bryophyte
  • reservation_info
    • Specimen Order Number:TAIMB000020
    • Herbarium/Institute:國立臺灣博物館植物學組
    • Length:150  mm
    • Width:100  mm
    • Height:6  mm
    • Box_Length:150  mm
    • Box_Width:100  mm
    • Box_Height:6  mm
  • acquisition_info
    • Collection Number:#0801
    • Collection Date:1960/08/04
  • collection_locality_info
    • country:Republic of China
    • administrative_area_1_en:Taiwan Province
    • administrative_area_2_en:Taitung County
    • administrative_area_3_en:Daren Township
    • locality_en:Hsin-hwa Tsun
    • Altitude/Minimum Altitude:Alt. 800 m.
    • Maximum Altitude:Alt. 800 m.
    • Longitude Direction:E
    • Longitude (Deg/Min/Sec):120°50'01''
    • Latitude/Direction:N
    • Latitude (Deg/Min/Sec):22°25'18''
  • gdesc_info
    • GDESC:標本由王忠魁教授於 1960 年 08 月 04 日,採自臺東縣達仁鄉新化村,海拔 800 m 的樹幹上。

      植物體匍匐,扁平,主莖長達 10 cm 以上,分枝約 1–3 cm;標本淡黃色至深褐色。莖葉乾燥時開展,不貼伏於莖 上;寬卵形,約 4 × 2 mm;葉尖銳頭至漸尖;葉緣鋸齒,經

      常一邊腹捲;中肋 1 條,達約葉的 4/5 長。枝葉與莖葉同形。葉中央細胞長菱形,25–40 × 4–5 µm,厚壁,單疣。

      本種植物體外形與同屬的瓦氏灰氣苔相似(Aerobryopsis wallichii),植物體都為扁平,乾燥時葉開展;本種葉寬卵形, 而後者葉披針狀卵形,且葉尖漸長尖。有部分學者將本種區分為本亞種和長尖亞種(A. subdivergens subsp. scariosa),作者依循吳聲華 (1985)的處理,將之視為同種。