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Common box crab Collection Image, Figure 1, Total 6 Figures
Common box crab Collection Image, Figure 2, Total 6 Figures
Common box crab Collection Image, Figure 3, Total 6 Figures
Common box crab Collection Image, Figure 4, Total 6 Figures
Common box crab Collection Image, Figure 5, Total 6 Figures
Common box crab Collection Image, Figure 6, Total 6 Figures
Common box crab
  • species_info
    • english title:Common box crab
    • scientific_name:Calappa lophos
    • DIVISION:Arthropoda
    • subphylum:Crustacea
    • class:Malacostraca
    • orders:Decapoda
    • family:Calappidae
    • genus:Calappa
    • species:lophos
    • scientific_name_pub_year:1782
    • scientific_name_pub_doc:(Herbst, 1782)
    • species_author:Herbst
  • collection_content
    • collection_locality
      • country_id:TWN
      • country_en:Republic of China
      • subdivision_1_en:Taiwan Province
      • subdivision_2_en:Pingtung County
      • subdvision_3_en:Donggang Township
      • locality_en:TungKang,Pingtung County
      • latitude_value:22.466879
      • latitude_direction:N
      • longitude_value:120.443545
      • longitude_direction:E
    • collection_info
      • collection_date:1958.07.10
      • Collection Date:1958/07/10
      • quantity:1
    • collection_record
      • catalog no:TMCD000213
      • CAT_NO:CR.0213
  • gdesc_info
    • GDESC:  頭胸甲寬半圓形,背面甚隆起,光滑,淡紫底色上具米黃色細縱條紋,心胃區兩側各1條米黃縱溝。前、後側緣各具4個及2個齒形翼狀突出,表面具暗紫色虎斑條紋,後緣具3銳齒。螯足掌節側扁,背緣具數齒,內、外側緣表面具深紫色虎斑或斑點,可動指明顯呈彎鉤狀,末端尖銳,右螯兩指內緣基部臼狀突起,末端尖銳,左螯兩指內緣具不規則齒。最大甲寬13公分,通常9~12公分。常被底刺網或蟹(龍蝦)籠所捕獲,因殼厚肉少,非主要食用蟹,故僅見於產地魚市場與其他主要食用種(如梭子蟹)搭配出售。