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Japanese wrinkled frog Collection Image, Figure 1, Total 13 Figures
Japanese wrinkled frog Collection Image, Figure 2, Total 13 Figures
Japanese wrinkled frog Collection Image, Figure 3, Total 13 Figures
Japanese wrinkled frog Collection Image, Figure 4, Total 13 Figures
Japanese wrinkled frog Collection Image, Figure 5, Total 13 Figures
Japanese wrinkled frog Collection Image, Figure 6, Total 13 Figures
Japanese wrinkled frog Collection Image, Figure 7, Total 13 Figures
Japanese wrinkled frog Collection Image, Figure 8, Total 13 Figures
Japanese wrinkled frog Collection Image, Figure 9, Total 13 Figures
Japanese wrinkled frog Collection Image, Figure 10, Total 13 Figures
Japanese wrinkled frog Collection Image, Figure 11, Total 13 Figures
Japanese wrinkled frog Collection Image, Figure 12, Total 13 Figures
Japanese wrinkled frog Collection Image, Figure 13, Total 13 Figures
Japanese wrinkled frog
  • species_info
    • english title:Japanese wrinkled frog
    • scientific_name:Glandirana rugosa
    • DIVISION:Chordata
    • subphylum:Vertebrata
    • class:Amphibia
    • subclass:Lissamphibia
    • orders:Anura
    • suborder:Neobatrachia
    • superfamily:Ranoidea
    • family:Ranidae
    • subfamily:Raninae
    • genus:Glandirana
    • species:rugosa
    • species_author:(Temminck and Schlegel)
    • species_pub_year:1838
  • collection_content
    • collection_locality
      • country_id:JP
      • country_en:Japan
    • collection_info
      • quantity:1
    • collection_feature
      • Specimen Body length:1.2*2.79  mm
    • collection_record
      • catalog no:TMAS0069
      • CAT_NO:AM.0288
  • gdesc_info
    • GDESC:標本體長約x公分。體背有許多不規則短棒狀皺摺,顏色與花紋多變,主要以淺褐色為底,散布不規則深色斑塊,有些個體有橘色背中線。酒精浸泡標本底色為褐色,散布深褐色橫斑,體背短棒狀皺摺與四肢橫紋明顯。常棲息在水田、山區水池或小溪流旁邊,繁殖季在夏秋季為主(高田與大谷 2011)。主要分布於日本本州到九州,北海道族群為後來引入,也分布在朝鮮半島與中國東北地方(高田與大谷 2011、奧山與松橋 2011)。本種被捕捉時,會分泌臭味的黏液以驅敵(高田與大谷 2011、奧山與松橋 2011)。(巫奇勳撰)
