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Accession Number:TMAC0013 Collection Image, Figure 1, Total 7 Figures
Accession Number:TMAC0013 Collection Image, Figure 2, Total 7 Figures
Accession Number:TMAC0013 Collection Image, Figure 3, Total 7 Figures
Accession Number:TMAC0013 Collection Image, Figure 4, Total 7 Figures
Accession Number:TMAC0013 Collection Image, Figure 5, Total 7 Figures
Accession Number:TMAC0013 Collection Image, Figure 6, Total 7 Figures
Accession Number:TMAC0013 Collection Image, Figure 7, Total 7 Figures
  • species_info
    • scientific_name:Andrias
    • DIVISION:Chordata
    • subphylum:Vertebrata
    • class:Amphibia
    • subclass:Lissamphibia
    • orders:Caudata
    • suborder:Cryptobranchoidea
    • family:Cryptobranchidae
    • genus:Andrias
    • species:davidianus
  • collection_content
    • collection_info
      • donor_en:林啟明
      • quantity:1
    • collection_feature
      • Specimen Body length:5.99/29.7/  mm
    • collection_record
      • catalog no:TMAC0013
      • CAT_NO:AM.0103
  • gdesc_info
    • GDESC:標本體長約x公分。為世界最大的兩棲類,體全長可達2公尺以上,成體眼小無眼瞼,身體扁平;體表光滑,但頭背腹面、頸側與體側有疣粒;體色變異大,以棕褐色為主,尚有暗黑、紅棕、褐色與黃土等色(費等 2006)。酒精浸泡標本體扁平,體背褐色,散布深褐色斑紋,頭背腹面、頸側與體側有疣粒。主要棲息於海拔100至1200公尺水溫偏低的急流裡,食性廣(費等 2006)。由於食用與藥用的經濟價值,有野外獵捕壓力而瀕臨絕種,目前已被中國列為重點保護。主分布在中國長江、黃河與珠江中下游,過去與日本大鯢(A. japonicus)並列為世界唯二的大鯢(費等 2006),然而,近年研究顯示此種可能包含多種隱蔽種(Yan et al.2018, Turvey et al. 2019)。(巫奇勳撰)

      費梁、胡淑琴、葉昌媛、黃永昭。2006。中國動物誌 兩棲鋼(上卷) 總論、蚓螈目、有尾目。科學出版社。
      Turvey, S. T., Marr, M. M., Barnes, I., Brace, S., Tapley, B., Murphy, R. W., ... & Cunningham, A. A. 2019. Historical museum collections clarify the evolutionary history of cryptic species radiation in the world's largest amphibians. Ecology and evolution, 9, 10070-10084.
      Yan, F., Lü, J., Zhang, B., Yuan, Z., Zhao, H., Huang, S., ... & Chen, S. 2018. The Chinese giant salamander exemplifies the hidden extinction of cryptic species. Current Biology, 28, R590-R592.