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絢爛南國 虹彩夢幻藏品圖,第1張
絢爛南國 虹彩夢幻


藝術類 - 陶藝



長:284 x 寬:490 (cm)



作為臺灣最早發展的首府,臺南歷年累積的文化厚度,在傳統建築中表露無遺,往昔靈動的歷史痕跡,如今依然閃爍在精美的建築細節裡,引人懷想,發人巧思,是推進文化的火種。有鑒於此,大師選擇臺灣傳統建築中綺麗繽紛的「老宅花磚」為靈感來源,以其獨步藝壇的「雕釉」技法結合鮮明的現代風格,創作出「絢爛南國 虹彩夢幻」瓷板壁畫,不僅為訪客勾勒出日治前後華麗老宅的流金歲月,更向世人揭示了「承先啟後,開創未來」的生命金律。
When the audience enters the glass corridor from the Banyan tree, a giant ceramic tile mural awaits. Created by Su Shih-Hsiung, the winner of the 2010 National Crafts Achievement Award, this piece is dedicated to the beauty of his hometown, Tainan.
Tainan was one of the earliest cities to be developed in Taiwan. It presents itself through the city’s traditional architecture and its rich culture. The traces of history can still be discovered in the details of the buildings. Inspired by the ancient tiles in Taiwan, the artist combines his own technique “glazes-sgraffito” with a distinctive modern style, displayed in the ceramic mural entitled A Colorful Southern World . It not only captures the Japanese era for the audience, but it also brings past heritage forward into a brighter future.
The giant artwork is assembled by 25×25cm “glazed-sgraffito” ceramic plates. Artist Su Shih-Hsiung created his technique “glaze-sgraffito” by combining the concept of traditional “carved lacquer” with Song’s engraving technique. Every ceramic plate needs to go through an 800 ℃ bisque firing, and then get glazed layer by layer. The glazes are balanced, stable, unmixable, modulated specially by the artist. The artist carves the layers of glazes afterwards, creating and polishing colorful flowers on the surface of the plates. The ceramic plates then go through a 1230 ℃ firing of 15 hours or more. It is truly a work that admirably merges art and craft.
在「絢爛南國 虹彩夢幻」中,藝術家首先以簡明、對稱的構圖爽朗地傳達出「現代藝術」明快的特徵與節奏;而方磚元素在黑底上所排列的菱形構圖,則引導訪客重溫了窗欞花磚、精緻鑲嵌的往日情懷,再者方磚上豔麗的花朵也精妙地「傳承」與「重現」了傳統老宅花磚的裝飾精神。兩相對照,恰恰突顯了臺南在「堅守傳統」與「致力現代化」上的平衡與融合。瓷版中的繪畫主題選取了代表臺南的鳳凰花、蘭花,周圍迴繞著清新嬌豔的蓮花、太陽花、菊花、茶花、牡丹花、繡球花、海棠花等臺灣各地的四季花卉,別具姿態,無一重複,寓意著生生不息的生命美學。
The artist adopted a simple and symmetrical structure of contemporary art. The diamond plates transport people back to the age of traditional buildings and delicate window lattices; the floral designs on the plates inherit the spirit of traditional buildings, showing the balance between tradition and modernization.
The combination of historical buildings, window lattices, and modern styles reflect both the good old days and modern times of Tainan. Flowers like phoenix flower and orchid which represents Tainan were chosen to be the main theme of the ceramic painting, surrounding with seasonal flowers from Taiwan such as lotus, sunflower, chrysanthemum, camellia, peony, hydrangea, and begonia. Each of them has distinguished gestures with no repetition, and it represents its blooming aesthetic vitality.
壁畫色調以雨後彩虹的色層為構成基礎,象徵臺南如雨過天晴、遙掛天邊的一彎「彩虹」,對訪客展露著美夢成真的笑靨;亦似歷經風雨後熱情洋溢的府城,在豔陽下散發著強健、絢美、燦爛、愉快的臺南氣息。蘇世雄將昔日的花磚元素結合現代風格,創作出《絢爛南國 虹彩夢幻》瓷板壁畫,輝映著原警察署外牆十三溝面磚的歷史刻痕,參差對照出舊時今日的美好年代。
The colors of the mural are based on the colors of the rainbow, representing Tainan’s beauty and diversity, especially after rainy days. The colors also show Tainan’s passion, radiating strength, happiness, and tranquility after a storm. When artist Su Shih-Hsiung combines ancient tiles with a modern style, along with 13-groove tiles on the exterior of the historic police station, the beautiful days of the past are being brought into the future.