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Polar Bear Collection Image
Polar Bear

Author:Clingerman Taxidermy



Size:Length:220 x Width:75 x Height100 (cm)

Introduction:Polar bears are representatives of the North Pole. They are also the largest carnivores in the Arctic area. A polar bear can grow up to 240cm in length and 600kg in weight. Although they are massive, polar bears are agile creatures and can run quite fast; moreover, they are excellent swimmers. Their large paws work like highly efficient oars, while the hind legs serve to steer them to the right direction, allowing polar bears to swim up to 90km. Their diet is primarily seals, but they also catch fish, sea birds and small land animals to eat.

Polar bears are generally solitary and typically only pair up during mating season in March and April. Then, the male leaves and the female gives birth in December. A litter usually includes two cubs. The mother stays with the cubs for approximately two years before they go out on their own.

Oil and gas development in the arctic area is severely threatening the survival of polar bears. Arctic countries signed the Agreement on the Conservation of Polar Bears in 1973. In recent years, global warming has caused a progressive increase in the melting of icecaps in the Arctic, threatening their habitat and bringing about the imminent extinction of polar bears in the 21st century.

Accession Number:0000848