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Sea Lily (Crinoid) Collection Image
Sea Lily (Crinoid)


Year:Jurassic Period (about 190 million years ago)

Size:Length:95 x Width:40 x Height7 (cm)

Introduction:The sea lily, which grew in the ocean, got its name from its lily-like appearance; however, it is an echinoderm. It first appeared approximately 480 million years ago, and by the Carboniferous period, it had escalated to great quantities and many different species emerged.

The sea lily is composed of holdfast, stalks and arms. The stalk is often called the stem, which carried a calyx at the top and contains its main organs. At the bottom of the stem is the holdfast, which varies according to the environment. The calyx protects its soft body that includes its mouth, anus and ambulacral groove. The tube feet of the arms trap fine particles of food, which travel down through the ambulacral groove to the mouth.

Accession Number:0003667