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Formosan Black Bear Collection Image
Formosan Black Bear




Size:Length:163 x Width:40 x Height70 (cm)

Introduction:The Formosan black bears are endemic to Taiwan and are Taiwan's only indigenous bear species. They live mainly in high altitude forests and migrate to lower altitude areas during winter. The Formosan black bear is a medium-sized bear. The adult can usually grow to around 170 cm in length and 150kg in weight. Its fur is generally black, but there is a distinctive V-shaped white patch of fur on its chest. Being an omnivorous creature, the Formosan black bear forages sprouts and berries in spring and summer and mostly feeds on nuts in autumn and winter. If there is a shortage of food, it will also prey on insects and small mammals, and occasionally scavenging on carcasses of dead animals.

While the Formosan black bear is a plantigrade animal, it is also a skilled climber. It is agile and has a keen olfaction. It rarely attacks humans without provocation. When facing threats, it would stand up on its hind limbs to intimidate the aggressor. Formosan black bears have the habit of making nests, but they do not have a fixed residence; moreover, they do not hibernate in the winter. In general, Formosan black bears could live up to 20 to 30 years. However, due to severe changes in their ecological environment, they have been classified as endangered species internationally.

Accession Number:0000268