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Accession Number:0007231001 Collection Image

Author:Adolphe Sax Fils(1895-1928)

Year:Between 1907-1928

Size:Length:102.3 x Width:33.5 (cm)

Introduction:By the mid 19th century music, like other art forms, was rapidly evolving and composers, musicians and the public wanted new sounds. Around this time musical instrument maker Adolphe Sax created, among other instruments, the saxhorns and saxophones. Although not initially successful, when he moved from his native Belgium to cosmopolitan Paris, Sax’s instruments began to grow in popularity. The instruments became so successful in fact that Sax spent fortunes defending his patents from rival companies who wanted to make their own versions, and Sax subsequently died in relative poverty. His son, Adolphe-Edouard Sax continued his business until 1928.

Accession Number:0007231001