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Clouded Leopard Collection Image
Clouded Leopard




Size:Length:134 x Width:58 x Height43 (cm)

Introduction:The fur of the clouded leopard is of an ocher wheat color or dark gray color, and its name comes from the large patches of dark fringed cloud-like patterns. Although the clouded leopard is the smallest of the big cats, it has the largest canines among all Felidae in proportion to their body size. Clouded leopards are talented climbers and often hide on trees, pouncing down upon their prey, which mostly consists of deer and Reeves' muntjacs, and they do not eat rotten flesh. Clouded leopards are nocturnal animals, and there is no evidence of social system among them, therefore they are probably solitary animals.

The survival of the clouded leopard is severely threatened due to the loss of habitat and hunting. The last recorded observation of a clouded leopard in Taiwan was at Taroko Gorge in 1989, making it highly probable that the animal is already extinct in Taiwan. People from Kucapungane, a Rukai aboriginal village in Taiwan believes their ancestors settled down by following the footprints of a clouded leopard, so the clouded leopard is highly revered in their culture and its skin can only be worn by the leader and the nobles.

Accession Number:0000063