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臺南市美術館公共藝術目前共有六件作品,分別為臺南市政府文化局委託喜恩文化藝術有限公司進行之《府城藝卷 展翅翱翔》計劃,本計劃中邀請蘇世雄、李再鈐、中谷芙二子與大衛.葛斯坦創作四件藝術作品:《絢爛南國 虹彩夢幻》、《天地人和》、《雲朵 #46741》及《輪飛蝶舞 悠遊時光》;委託日本設計大師原研哉及Noiz創作之《Shadow in Motion》,讓一樓至地下停車場之間形成一神秘空間,自然採光使觀者在移動中感受作品光影的變化;此外,藝術家楊英風先生致贈美術館之作品《分合隨緣》,坐落於美術館戶外廣場,與建築相互輝映,美術館公共藝術透過藝術家的魔法,不同媒材及形式運用的展現,使得臺南市美術館公共空間更添意趣。

Tainan Art Museum Public Art consists of six artworks. Four of them were curated and executed by Shalom Arts Consulting, Inc.: artist Su Shi-xiong’s “A Colorful Southern World”, artist Lee Tsai-chien’s “Heaven, Earth, and Humankind in Harmony”, artist Fujiko Nakaya’s “Cloud #46741”, and artist David Gerstein’s “Good Times”. Tainan City Government Cultural Affairs Bureau also invited artists Kenya Hara and Noiz to create the artwork “Shadow in Motion”, making the path from ground floor to B1 parking lot a magical realm of light and shadow. With Artist YuYu Yang’s gift “Shadow Mirror” to the museum, the six artworks enrich the public space of Tainan Art Museum with each of their aura.




Shalom Arts Consulting, Inc. established brand new art cosmos, “Time and Space” and “History and Nature”, for the Tainan Art Museum Public Art Project. Based inside Tainan Art Museum, Shalom Arts Consulting, Inc. invited four domestic and international artists to join together in the process of deconstructing and creating. The local Tainan and Taiwanese people along with foreigners get the opportunity to experience Tainan’s progress through its artistic richness.

Through public events, people can appreciate the artworks and learn at the same time, enriching people’s life through a cultural and international horizon.

Shalom Arts Consulting, Inc. invited four prominent artists—Lee Tsai-chien, Su Shi-xiong, Fujiko Nakaya (Japan), and David Gerstein (Israel)—to create four artworks sharing history and aesthetics, tailored just for Tainan Art Museum. The artworks are located in the public space in Building I and II, inviting people to immerse in artistic joy.




Art Symphony Weaved by Stream of Consciousness
Tainan Museum Public Art, proposed by Shalom Arts Consulting, Inc., presents Museum Building I and II with double themes: human and history, human and nature.

The master of deconstruction Jacques Derrida used the concepts of differance and deconstruction to cross and dissolve boundaries of different art categories. These concepts lead people to think outside the box, not limiting contemporary art by categories and medium. That is when artists, critics and audience experience the richness in artistic vocabulary and the spark of re-creation during the creation and reading of content.

Adpoting Derrida’s concepts, Shalom Arts curate and connect art with people’s imagination. Streams of consciousness flows between the artworks, Museum Building I and II, bringing the pieces to shine on stage. “Artistic context” and “audience perception” blend in the ecology of time and space, just like a beautiful symphony reverberates through generations.

策劃人 / 陳惠婷
Curator/ Chen Hui-ting
協同策劃人與撰述人 / 李大蕙
Co-Curator/ Lee Dah-hui