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  • 主要名稱:玉燕愛妻仙逝四週年感作圖檔,第1張,共1張
Title:Elegy for Yu-yen on the 4th anniversary of her death
Category:Calligraphy and Painting
Author:Wu Man-sha
No. of Item:1 sheet
Keyword:Wu Man-sha | Wu Ping-ting | Wang Yu-yen | Elegy
Description:This is an elegy composed and inscribed by writer-calligrapher Wu Man-sha in memory of his late wife. In the center of the paper is a crease. The author’s signature and seal are affixed in the bottom left corner. Written by the year end of 1982, four years after Wu’s wife passed away, the poem translates into, “The December drums bade farewell to the year, and the peach-wood charms welcomed another / Spring returns to the earth but you had departed for good, and sorrow engulfed me in the mourning hall / My tears of grief fall through the night since death parted us / I sit alone in the study trying to remember, but the past is like a dream, offering no condolences / Because of me, you suffered great hardship, serving Father and Mother by day and nursing our children by night / Nevertheless, you remained frugal and held the family together, brought up our children with tenderness and love / I had always wanted an heir, but now all I want is for you to come back to me / Our sons and daughters are all married now, and we gather here today to burn incense and say prayers / In the dressing room you are nowhere to be seen, but your brow pencil remains beside the mirror on the dressing table / The greatest love stories are always fleeting, and we are fated to be torn apart / White poplars and green willows stand sentry by the grassy tomb, while purple couches and red quilts accompany the bluish-green carpet / The saddest thing is that I have nowhere to turn, and I wander in the streets with endless regrets / I reminisce about our time in Thailand, that Buddhist land, and the beautiful China roses that we saw in Koujima, Japan / Scenery is everywhere around me, but the world’s colors only remind me of sorrows / Exotic customs continue to attract tourists, but my lonesome figure is nowhere to be seen / If you, my dearest wife, were still alive, I’d reward you with travels around the world.” Affixed to the elegy are the author’s signature, seal, and a note that reads, “Written in December of the fourth anniversary of Yu-yen’s death.”
摘要:本件藏品為作家吳漫沙墨寶一幅,紙張中間有一道折痕,左下方落款及鈐印一方。本件藏品為作者於1982年年底所作,內容為「鼕鼕臘鼓歲將辭,朶朶桃符掛綵楣。大地春回卿竟去,靈堂觀影我堪悲,傷心曰載陰陽隔,落月三更涕淚垂,默坐書軒追往事,前塵如夢寫哀思,同甘共苦菜一一根烹,朝事翁姑夜哺嬰,儉樸持家能己,溫純教子舐犝情,一心願望傳嘉裔,二豎何堪攫愛卿,兒女於今咸嫁娶,焚香禱告慰幽明,玉臺人杳積灰烟,黛筆還留粉鏡邊,勞燕深情偏不久,鶼鰈折股斷塵緣,白楊翠柳陪青塚,紫榻紅衾伴碧氈,最是傷心無覓處,徬徨阡陌恨綿綿,湄南佛國憶遨遊,香島扶桑景色優,處處風光留眼底,花花世界惹心愁,奇情異俗招來客,隻影單身獨覓幽,倘使賢妻仍健在,相隨覽勝願堪酬。」文末備註:「玉燕愛妻仙逝四週年底作任戍臘月 」,署名吳漫沙,並蓋有吳漫沙鈐印。其抒發對妻子王玉燕逝世四週年有感的悼亡之作。(文/歐人鳳)
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