類別:圖書文獻類 - 手稿
尺寸:長:24.6 x 寬:20.5 (cm)
藏品描述:菸草嵌紋病是菸草生產上最普遍的病害,危害極大。病原體為菸草嵌紋病毒(tobacco mosaic virus ,TMV),為RNA病毒。菸草嵌紋病毒為系統侵染,整株發病。當幼苗及成株感病後,首先新葉的葉脈及鄰近葉肉組織色澤變淡,呈半透明狀,迎光透視會發現病葉的大小葉脈十分清晰;隨後症狀蔓延至整個葉片,形成不規則之暗綠色與淡綠嵌紋,嵌紋邊緣多為波浪狀,導致葉片組織壞死,在老葉片上尤為明顯。重病的葉片凸起形成泡狀,邊緣向內彎曲。早期發病的煙草植株,嚴重矮化,煙草植株不能正常生長。病毒殘存於菸莖、碎屑或已烤製之菸葉及其他寄主,當菸田管理不當時,藉著手指、機械等接觸或磨擦傳染。
Tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) is a RNA virus that infects a wide range of plants, especially tobacco and other members of the family Solanaceae. The first symptom of this virus disease is a light green coloration between the veins of young leaves. This is followed quickly by the development of a "mosaic" or mottled pattern of light and dark green areas in the leaves. Its infection does not result in plant death, but if infection occurs early in the season, plants are stunted. Lower leaves are subjected to "mosaic burn" especially during periods of hot and dry weather. In these cases, large dead areas develop in the leaves. This constitutes one of the most destructive phases of infection. Infected leaves may be crinkled, puckered, or elongated. Tobacco yield losses due to TMV are currently estimated at only 1%, because resistant tobacco varieties are routinely grown. However, TMV affects other crops, and losses of up to 20% have been reported in tomatoes.